The pleasure of delayed action
Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash
I woke up this morning, stretched, felt a wave of energy move through me. There was a feeling of pleasure as the wave began to travel through me that seemed correlated to the sub-2-second delay between the arrival of the impulse and my assent plus movement to carry it out.
What's more, this "pleasure" was finely perceived. I even saw a bar-char before me of about 12 values, slightly moving and adjusting. It was a pleasure along 12 dimensions.
It's almost as if there is a Divine Will that prompts my actions. But there is also a delay as I consider and possibly even thwart the action. And also, maybe this is the interesting part, there is a very real sense of Attention in that gap between the prompting and the execution. The sensors are "on," so to speak. The All-Knowing is apparently deeply interested at this point, and considering my extremely unimportant subjectivity to be interesting.
And that awareness of being watched, and loved truly...well, that feeds back into me, adding to my own pleasure. Knowing that I am known, I release to the wave of energy...I stretch joyfully.
I guess it's time to wake up. :)
Could the "flavor" of a universe be defined by these information-rich deltas between initial impulse and movement? Perhaps it's a marker of the "ripeness" of the universe? I picture four stages:
- Action occurs immediately -- the vehicle has no self-consciousness, thus no reason to delay.
- Action occurs after increasing delays -- the vehicle is acquiring self-consciousness, and "goes it's own way" much more often.
- From a point of maximum delay to a new, considered and minimized delay -- The vehicle begins to feel the prompting of its Creator. Delays still occur, but for well-considered reasons. The vehicle knows that blind obedience is a trap. It knows it has a Will. It seeks to merge that Will with God's Will, not to obliterate it.
- No perceptible delay -- union with God's Will was chosen so long ago, and resided in so completely, that this dimension/mode of existence can be joyfully closed.
Play those 4 steps out across the billions of individualized consciousnesses and you've taken the temperature of a universe. Translate this to sound and you've got sound-clouds of deepening tones, which begin to rise again, and ultimately reach the single high note which kicked things off.
To the Initiator, this is pleasure. That's good, right? Far better to live in a world where the God is enjoying Himself.
Is this also an explanation for "the happiness of old age" (you'll see articles in the popular media about this). We contain multitudes of competing impulses. We are often "at war" within ourselves. By old age, most of those have been resolved, and the system understands itself. There is a deliberate choice to live in kindness amid the relics of old wars. There is respect, safety and love across the borderlands of the self. Because the only way to end those wars is by understanding each impulse. And when one feels understood and respected, one is ready, even eager to lend a hand.
I dunno. Just some thoughts prompted by interior senses and black-box recordings.