Goodbye Soundcloud

Published on 2021-6-30 by Michael Stanton

I was really disappointed to learn that Soundcloud removed Andy Ngos podcast for unspecified violations of terms of service.

Andy Ngo has been absolutely heroic in documenting whats happening on the ground in cities like Portland. This town and others are being destroyed by rioting, hateful people who call themselves "anti-fascists," and depend on the stupidity of people who hear that term and then imagine "oh, they must be the good guys." Well they aren't.

They've physically beaten Andy. They despise him with a passion. Nonetheless he reports on their activities. Thanks to him, we can judge for ourselves.

I've been on Soundcloud for 10 years. I made it through all the spam coming in the inbox system. I put out music and I discovered music.

I can't participate in a system which abets the demonization of a reporter who is just getting the word out at incredible risk to himself.

I will accept a "smaller" world in which I don't get the convenience of easily sharing music in order to withdraw my participation from systems that grew large, uncaring and immoral.

Goodbye you absolute clowns, you dangerously ignorant self-satisfied people.

Thank you Andy Ngo, for doing what you do. I'll find and support you anywhere.