Index with Kris

Published on 2003-3-30 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Kris
Location: Index Town Walls
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m

Index Climbing, March 30, 2003

Kris and I went out to Index and climbed the three pitches of Great Northern Slab together. This was really fun, as usual. Then Kris belayed me on a top rope of Libra Crack (5.10a). That was pretty exciting, especially because I didn't fall. I look forward to going back and leading it soon. Then I got excited to lead Godzilla (5.9+), but a slimy wet start scared me away. We saw people on Princely Ambitions (5.9), and I got really excited to climb that. After climbing a chimney to a slab where I clipped a bolt, it started to rain fairly heavily. I rationalized that an overhang above would provide protection, and kept going. But a difficult mantel move above the bolt convinced me I should bail. I downclimbed a bit then jumped for the short fall onto the bolt, where Kris lowered me to the ground. A nice guy came down and retrieved my carabiner. Foiled by rain!!