Snoqualmie Mountain Hike

Published on 2004-5-22 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Snoqualmie Mountain
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m

Snoqualmie Mountain, May 22, 2004

Needing some exercise but unable to get inspired by the health club, I resigned myself to a rainy ascent of Snoqualmie Mountain. I walked into the fog and clouds via the old trail near the Snow Lake trailhead, taking a left turn 1000 feet up for Snoqualmie rather than Guye. I was surprised to see a guy on his way down near here. The clouds were thick but it wasn't raining, which was nice. About 400 feet below the summit, I met a party of two. We sat on rocks at the summit and talked about climbs and hikes until it started snowing hard. They went to climb Guye Peak, and I trundled my way down snow, slick roots, rocks and trail.