Granite Mountain Exploration

Published on 2004-10-14 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Granite Mountain
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m

Granite Mountain, 10/14/04

I went for a quick hike up Granite Mountain in the morning, but I took my natural history book to try and identify some plants. Where the forest opened up to brush, I got out the book and started trying to identify things. Before long, I knew I wouldn't be going any further: there was too much to name! I saw Red Alder and Braken and Swordfern and Maidenhair fern and Mountain Lover and Snowberry and Cascara and Big Leaf Maple and Vine Maple and Western Red Cedar trees and Douglas Fir trees and Salmonberry. Now if I can only remember all those names! I ran down the trail with a better appreciation of the woods I usually tromp through unthinkingly.