October Index Climbing with Robert

Published on 2004-10-2 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Robert
Location: Index Town Walls
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m

Index Climbing, 10/02/04

Robert Meshew and I went for a quick morning climb. We warmed up on the finger crack pitch of Aries, then I got scared trying to lead the chimney (which seemed so easy last time!). Both of us backed off of that, so Robert led around a different way, and I finished the climb with the cool undercling traverse to the chain anchors. I eventually realized the mistake in the chimney: we needed to place some gear high in the back, then come back down and start chimney-climbing well out in the wide slot. It feels really insecure trying to begin climbing it when you are lodged deep in the back. Oh well, next time! After this, Robert led the first pitch of Princely Ambition, doing a great job on his first time. I led pitch 2, dirty but still fun. Then Robert led Godzilla and I followed. A great morning at Index!