Little Si Family Trip

Published on 2005-4-30 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Nathan, Rowan, Elijah, Kris
Location: Little Si
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m

Little Si hike, April 30, 2005

Kris, Nathan, Sarah, Lily, Elijah, Rowan and I went for a fun hike up Little Si. The weather was great: warm and sunny. I carried Elijah in the "Baby Bjorn" and Rowan in a pack we borrowed from Lorna. It was their first hike and we wondered how they would do. Well it went great, they were so good and curious about all the trees and things. They got tired near the top, so we fed them at the summit. It was great getting to know Nathan and Sarah too. It was Kris's first hike since the babies were born, so she was sore the next day. I got quite a workout too from carrying 30 pounds of living breathing matter! What a fun time. Here is Elijah, and here is a picture of me with both boys, also Nathan with Lily and Sarah. Note that Rowan in the backpack is completely tired.