The Tooth in Winter

Published on 2005-2-19 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Carlos, Robert
Location: The Tooth
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m

The Tooth, February 19, 2005

Robert, Carlos and I had time to climb the Tooth today. Sadly, we left our snowshoes at the trailhead because there seemed to be so little snow. What a mistake! By the time we got to Source Lake we were tired from working so hard in the deep snow. But naturally we continued, and I think it took us 4 hours to reach the rope-up point for the route. That is only an elevation gain of 500 feet per hour. It was also the one of the most arduous boots-in-snow treks I can recall! Carlos had it easy, as he could float on top of the crust while Robert and I would punch through every time with our heavy corpses!

The climbing was great fun as usual. Carlos and I were on a rope, and he got to simul-climb for the first time on an extended pitch 2. I really like the rock of The Tooth. The final pitch on the Catwalk was thrilling as ever. Robert waited for us on top and then we all took in the amazing view. It was cold but clear and not too windy on the summit. Another party was climbing up as we rappelled. The trip home was easier but still plagued by deep snow. I'm glad we could get out for fun!