April Setzberg Hike

Published on 2006-4-21 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Setzberg
Elevation gain: 900m = 900m

Setzberg Hike

April 21, 2006

Now that I (proudly) own a car, I could make a Dawn Patrol trip from Munich before work. After several days of procrastination or laziness about getting up early, I lucked out and made my move on a beautiful blue sky day. I drove to the Tegernsee intent on a hiking trail up the mountain that dominates the south shore of the lake: Wallberg. I brought gaitors and ski poles, having no idea how much snow would still be lying around. Happily, the steep and wide trail from the Wallbergbahn was mostly snowfree. The trail contoured up and around the western side of the mountain, crossing a ski area path. At a junction, I opted to stay on the contouring trail rather than ascend a steep snowy path. I continued to a hut and then a snowy meadow. Now the trail ascended in short switchbacks up through pleasant boulder gardens in the forest. Soon I was back in an open area, traversing a hillside with expansive views to reach the upper station of the Wallbergbahn and a few other buildings.

Here I made a mistake, following tracks in the snow steeply up Setzberg. Only at the top did I realize the error, as I looked back at the summit with nearly the same elevation behind me. I enjoyed the rugged mountains to the south and ate an apple. Such a beautiful place!

After a few minutes a fellow came up. His name is Martin and he is an avid trail runner. He pointed out many mountains, having climbed, skied, or hiked them all. We went down together, me working hard to keep up with a blistering pace! Martin led us on a shortcut down steep half-forgotten trails, and skipping and running down snowfields. I think we were back at the cars in 30 minutes. Great to meet a new "friend o' the mountains" :-).