Guffertspitze with Danno

Published on 2006-7-8 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Danno
Location: Guffertspitze
Elevation gain: 1200m = 1200m


July 8, 2006

Danno and I wanted to go for a rock climb this morning, but heavy clouds persuaded us to go for a hike instead. I'd seen the impressive Guffertspitze earlier from Buchstein, and thought it would make a great morning trip. So, we headed up in fog and clouds for some exercise. Apparently the mountain isn't too crowded because there are no huts or restaurants along the way or on the summit. The climb is over 1000 meters, and via pretty steep trail. Dan and I had a great time talking about all kinds of things. One of our best ideas was to build a new software process model around the ideas and language of Bertold Brecht. Keep an eye out on Slashdot!

Near the summit the route followed a nice thin ridge, with what must have been spectacular views into the Rofan mountains to the south. We also enjoyed the "Scottish Highlands" character of the rocky barrens below the summit block. Going down a different way, over the Guffertstein, we found the necessary uphill climb a little annoying, but then a broad meadow and a herd of Gämse cheered us up. Then the knee-pounding descent reminded us that alas we are frail! Good exercise, but we'll have to return for bigger views.

The town of Steinberg, below the Guffertspitze.

The cross, Danno, and a cute little tin box for the summit register. July, 2006.

Cavorting in a broad meadow on the Guffertspitze. July, 2006.

Danno quaffs some cool, clear water on the Guffertspitze. July, 2006.