Breitenstein Ski Tour with Friends

Published on 2006-3-5 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Riki, Josef, Angie
Location: Breitenstein
Elevation gain: 800m = 800m

Breitenstein skiing, March, 2006

The weather was terrible, but Riki, Josef and Angie were able to get out for a morning of skiing. We drove to the Spitzstein and began skinning up in a light snowfall. It snowed on and off all day, and views were held to a minimum. But it was pleasant skiing up a mix of open slopes and forest paths. Eventually we came to a kind of tough section with tight switchbacks in the trees. I broke trail from here to the summit, getting a good extra workout. I was a little worried about an icy section below a high pass, and the final ski to the summit was a little nervy due to a big drop off on the left. Several times we heard the boom of avalanches or maybe just slabs collapsing. One, heard from the summit, was really dramatic and powerful. We were happy that our route was safe from such dangers. We skied down, having lots of fun in fresh powdery snow. Of course, I spent a fair bit of time buried in the snow too. The trip was marred only by terrible traffic jams on the way home. Ugh. Had we been able to see anything here is an example view from the website