May Wank Hike

Published on 2006-5-6 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Wank
Elevation gain: 1000m = 1000m


May 6, 2006

I had to try out my exciting new digital camera (a Panasonic LX1) so I got up early for a hike up "Wank," a view peak for the Garmisch-Partenkirchen area. I parked my car at a secret trailhead where my friends Mat and Ari live, and saw that they were still sleeping. "I'll catch them on the way back," I thought. Despite clear skies in Munich, it was raining here! At least the first part is in the trees. The trail has been rebuilt around a massive mudslide from last year. I passed a hut that serves good cakes in the afternoon, and continued up meadows to the upper half of the trail. The views increased, but were still rainy and hazy. Finally I reached the summit and admired the constrained localized views. So much for getting a smashing overview of the Wetterstein Range pic for Gangolf's page. I contented myself with some trailside shots on the way down. 2.5 hours round trip, ~1100 meters elevation gain/loss. Back near the car I dropped in for tea and cookies at my friends house. This could become a habit!

Little benches appear on the trail now and then. May, 2006.

The Wetterstein Range in clouds. Taken from Wank, May 2006.

A nice meadow on the way down from a morning hike of Wank.