Skiing in Kühtai and Sölden

Published on 2007-1-6 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Daniel
Location: Kühtai, Sölden
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m

Skiing in Kühtai and Sölden

January 6-7, 2007

Daniel and I tried a ski tour above Haggen in the Sellrain, but a lack of snow, or "WHUMP!"-ing scary snow when there was some made us lose interest. We turned around after a couple of hours slogging up the valley.

We were soothed by groomed slopes of Kühtai up the road. Ah, how nice! We went all over until we could hardly stand. We spent the night at an inexpensive guest house near there.

The next day we went to Sölden, and oogled the incredible peaks around us. The Wildspitze looked especially regal. We strung together all 4 big sections that make up this large ski area during the day, giving a "thumbs down" to one of them because of too many pebbles in the snow. But the two regions on glaciers were amazing. It was really wierd to ski and see big ice walls on the side of you! Again and again we lifted up 1000 meters then skied down, then up, etc. Really fun, great skiing trip and many thanks to Daniel.