Frauenwasserwand Climbing

Published on 2007-7-17 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Uli
Location: Frauenwasser Klettergarten
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m

Fraunwasser climbing

July 17, 2007

Uli and I went for some morning climbing. I was still tired from the Grossglockner climb Sunday, so I had no confidence at all on the deceptively steep slabs. Of course I made it worse by picking a hard line of 3 grade 6 pitches to start with ;-). At virtually every crux I had to stop and rest on the rope. On the second pitch I was scared to go for the third bolt which committed me to climbing over a roof. I said I would lower off, then somehow got the guts to go for it. But I really like the roof because it has big holds above...last time with Daniel I avoided it off to the left.

So it was a somewhat frustrating morning, but probably good for me to work through the uncertain feelings. Uli set a record for the hardest climbs he's done outdoors.