Obere Wettersteinspitze Hike

Published on 2007-6-17 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Obere Wettersteinspitze
Elevation gain: 1300m = 1300m

Obere Wettersteinspitze hike

June 17, 2007

I had the morning free, so I took a quick look at the computer to find a new trail. My father-in-law was sleeping in the map and book room, and I didn't want to wake him, so I just skimmed a map online to find a trail leading from Mittenwald to the Obere Wettersteinspitze in 1200 meters of elevation gain. That sounded like a good hike, plus it would take me to an area I've rarely visited. I just had to remember to park on the west side of town, and follow signs to the Lautersee. From there, I hoped being able to see the mountain would make it clear.

Indeed, all went smoothly on the several trail junctions. Once the initial forest approach is finished, the trail can be thought of as three cliffy sections. The first cliff was sometimes protected by a steel cable to use as a handhold. After that, there were still plenty of sections where I had to use my hands (especially the final cliff), but there were no more protected sections until the last 20 feet to the summit.

It was a really enjoyable hike, with a few surprises and ever-increasing views. You need to be very comfortable with heights, because you are often walking along a crumbly ledge with a drop-off of several hundred feet. High on the route I even deviated for some mid 5th class climbing in a diehedral for 20 feet (okay, bouldering not climbing :-)). Very fun, but the Wetterstein Range has a reputation for hard but brittle rock. I can attest this is true - you might even call the rock treacherous.

The summit views were amazing, though I only stayed 10 minutes. It took me 2 hours and 20 minutes up, and 1 hour, 45 minutes down. I carried nothing but some water and a camera. Hiking poles would have been nice.

Here are the pictures.

Here is what the "trail" looks like on the final ascent (I call it Cliff #3) of the Obere Wettersteinspitze. On the left you can see some red spray paint dots marking the way (and killing the adventure :-)).

From the second cliff of the trail to the Obere Wettersteinspitze, the photographer looks back to the aqua Lautersee and the town of Mittenwald.

The summit of the Obere Wettersteinspitze.

On the airy second cliff of the trail to the Obere Wettersteinspitze. Tremendous views await the surefooted!

On the trail to the Obere Wettersteinspitze, there are three major "cliffs" or steep sections along the way. Here we are looking up at the second cliff. The third lies out of sight beyond.

Looking south from the summit of the Obere Wettersteinspitze. You see the Leutasch Valley below, and the Stubai Range in the distance.

Hikers on the steep trail to the Obere Wettersteinspitze.

Looking southeast from the summit of the Obere Wettersteinspitze to the Leutasch valley below.

As seen from a small meadow below the final ascent on the trail.