Schafreuter Snowshoe

Published on 2008-2-10 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Schafreuter
Elevation gain: 1285m = 1285m


February 10, 2008

I was sick the week before and didn't get to exercise at all. Plus the weather was great this weekend. So I tiptoed out of the house early to snowshoe up Schafreuter. This peak in the northern, fairly tame part of the Karwendel mountains offered a great view to the famous Laliderwand. The peak also marks the border between Germany and Austria. Halfway up I reached a snowy meadow and needed to put on snowshoes. The views got better and better. Near the summit a solitary skier drank from a Thermos. We exchanged greetings, and I continued to the true summit. Very nice to be there! On the way down the skier had already left, but he warned me that this was a "modeberg" (fashionable mountain), so I expected to see a horde of people on my way down. I did lots of running and jumping down the slopes, and started running into people back at the meadow. On the long icy road jog down there were many people coming up. Amazingly, I went fast enough that I reached the car right behind the skier. He looked a little surprised!

Time: 3:30 round trip, 1285 meters up and down.