Sankt Martin Trail Run

Published on 2008-3-21 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Sankt Martin
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m

Trail run at Sankt Martin

March 21, 2008

After a morning of skiing with Silas and Jen, I still had some energy. We got some rooms in Sankt Martin, a suburb of Brunico, Italy. I headed out in falling snowflakes for a run southwest up a forested mountain. I followed roads into the forest, but then they headed the wrong way, so I just set off hiking steeply upslope. It was a beautiful forest, with nice heather on the ground. I picked up deer trails, but when they side-hilled too much I'd leave them and keep heading up. I reached and passed a logging road, now on steep terrain that required me to use my hands. It was getting dark, so after 45 minutes of steep climbing I realized I'd have to reverse my route. Oh well, it's mostly straight down, but there were a few jogs along little ridges to reverse. I startled a deer at dusk. This was a very rewarding, very short (1 hour) trip!