Wank Hike

Published on 2009-4-5 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Wank
Elevation gain: 1050m = 1050m


April, 2009

A training hike on ol' faithful, der Wank. Rather than starting from Mat and Ari's old secret trail, I walked under the lift. Then I went cross country in the area below the Mittelstation, eventually finding an old trail in snow that led along a SW ridge of the peak to a peaklet I'd never visited called the Eckenberg. That was cool. The weather was awesome...the peaks around were really snowy. I visited the main summit, then headed down on my usual trail to the south, sometimes leaving it to bomb down snowfields. Near the Ecken Huette I went west on a logging road to reach my car. Note to self, Mat and Ari's trail is much more interesting, I gotta keep using that. 2:45 up and down, lots of postholing on the second half. I carried snowshoes, but then I wondered how well they would work on my tennis shoes so I didn't use them. Very schizo! :p