Ziegelspitz hike

Published on 2009-4-24 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Ziegelspitz
Elevation gain: 900m = 900m


April 24, 2009

I had some time this morning for a quick hike. After weeks of great weather, I was surprised to see fresh snow only about 1000 feet up on the trail. This mountain is part of the Notkarspitze massif, rising south of the monastery of Ettal. Actually, I hoped to climb all the way up the Notkarspitze, but all that snow, and plenty of tedious postholing on the ridge from Ochsensitz to Ziegelspitze convinced me to call it a day there. When the snow melts it'll be an excellent trail run I think. Peaks around with all the fresh snow looked great. I gotta start wearing boots! 2800 feet elevation gain/loss, 2.5 hours up and down.