April Kramerspitz Hike

Published on 2010-4-18 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Kramerspitz
Elevation gain: 1450m = 1450m


April 18, 2010

Hiked up the Kramerspitz from town. I took snowshoes, then felt kind of silly because I hiked up 1000 meters without needing them. Then, they did come in handy on the back side traverse (lots of snow until June) because the slopes were frozen with no steps in them. I used the "crampons" of the snowshoes for purchase. On a slight variation, I just headed up steep snow after the initial traverse, thinking that would get me to the summit...it was easier than traversing frozen slopes in snowshoes. But I reached a different summit. Some down/up got me to the true summit. I went down "the long way," by the hut and meadow, then back to the nature trail with the long flat boring walk back to the car. 5:30, 1450 meters.