Pyramidenspitze Klettersteig

Published on 2011-4-30 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Pyramidenspitze
Elevation gain: 2000m = 2000m


April 30, 2011

I took a Camelback and a candy bar up a trail that leads to the Pyramidenspitze from the north side. Amazingly there was no snow. At this time of year it should be at least two feet deep. I thought I'd have the trail to myself, but a very strong hiker came up behind me and whipped me good, though I tried to stay ahead! I soothed my battered ego by adopting climbing variations on the walls of the steep gully that leads with iron cables to a pass below the summit. There is even a little iron ladder in the final meters to the top. I ran into my new friend on top, with a glorious view to the main Wilder Kaiser range. Continuing west along a ridge, I made the short trip to the Petersköpfl then the Naunspitze. From a hut I doubled back east on a nice traversing mid-slope trail. Eventually it turned back up to the Pyramidenspitze, and I arrived as the weather deteriorated and it started to snow. The Kleine Halt looked beautiful, and I could see the 24-pitch "Via Aqua" route Stephan and I did last summer. If only I had a camera! Oh well. I returned to the car the same way I came, making for an elevation gain/loss of about 2000 meters. I was at the car at about 2:30 pm.