Kramerspitz in October

Published on 2011-10-15 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Kramerspitz
Elevation gain: 1400m = 1400m

Kramerspitz Traverse

October 15, 2011

After a late afternoon nap I drove out to Garmisch and hiked up Kramerspitz. I had a small water bottle, headlamp, jacket and gloves. It took about 2 hours to get up past the hut and the Kanzel lookout over Garmisch. There were a few snow patches. I always forget how much up and down there is along the ridge. I got to the top, stumbling in darkness, as I stubbornly didn't want to use my headlamp until the descent.

Beautiful view of city lights and the Zugspitze in growing moonlight. I hiked down to the south, then made the long flat walk back to the car. 4:15 round trip, 1400 meters elevation gain/loss.