Gilfert Ski with Josef

Published on 2012-12-31 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Josef
Location: Gilfert
Elevation gain: 1200m = 1200m

Gilfert ski

December 31, 2012

Josef and I drove to Weer and then Innerst in the Tuxer Alps for a bit of exercise. We skinned along a path exactly the wrong way for the first half hour, then realized our mistake and came back to the car. Reset! Trying again, we followed tracks up a road then across a meadow into fairly thick and steep forest. After about 300 meters we could see the summit and it's cross. "We still have 900 meters to climb!" said Josef. I thought he was joking, but sadly he wasn't. For a couple of old out of shape guys that 900 meters drug on forever. At least the sun was out with a crisp and clear view north into the Karwendel Mountains behind us. On top we admired other Tuxer and Zillertal summits. We headed down, finding protected powder stashes though it was mostly skied out. We lingered and stopped often to discuss the state of the world. It was great to get out with Josef, we haven't been on a trip together in like a year!