Wörner Hike

Published on 2012-7-15 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Wörner
Elevation gain: 1800m = 1800m


July 15, 2012

I got out for a hike, despite a terrible weather forecast. I was actually surprisingly lucky! I decided to hike up Wörner, a peak in my hiking guidebook I'd always admired for the panoramic photo from the summit. Realizing at the last minute that the hike would involve a long, hateful ascent up a dirt road, I decided to lengthen the tour a little bit by parking near the Karwendelbahn station in Mittenwald and beginning my journey from there. Eventually I reached the valley of the great scree-filled Dammkar in a light rain. From there, I continued to the Hochlandhütte where I was momentarily alarmed because it looked closed. I'd brought no food, depending entirely on the ability to purchase some coffee and cake at the hut! How is that for the 10 essentials?!?

After coffee, I continued to the Wörnersattel in improving weather. I saw plenty of blue sky, and a herd of goats near the saddle. From here, the final 500 meters to the summit is a very enjoyable scramble route, with much use of hands and a little bit of route-finding. A few sections were low 4th-class, and I passed a couple of belay pitons in this area. The last bit is on the ridge crest, and soon I stood on the summit, with a great view in two directions (the other two blocked by cloud). What an excellent hike!

On the way down I admired a violent storm far in the distance over Scharnitz. It was approaching rapidly! The air had the smell of rain, and suddenly it was on me. My half-broken umbrella helped considerably though, and soon I was ordering another cake and coffee in the Hochlandhütte. When the rain stopped, I ventured out, and onto new terrain, taking the most straightforward way down to the valley. At first on a nice and steep trail, and later on the hated road.

1800 meters up and down from the Karwendelbahn parking lot. A wonderful hike!