May Wallberg Hike

Published on 2012-5-5 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Wallberg, Setzberg
Elevation gain: 1200m = 1200m

Wallberg and Setzberg

May 5, 2012

Morning hike on a day when the rain held off. Really nice time. I took new routes on the way up, wandering up an old ski descent, then cutting cross country up a steep forested rib. I re-emerged on the road, then dived back into the forest. After Wallberg I had some apfelstruedel and cappucino at the restaurant. Then I hiked over to climb Setzberg, kicking steps in my tennis shoes for the last 150 meters of snow. A nice walk down that included some new off-trail variants. Pretty soon I won't use any trails on this hike! 1200 meters up/down, couple of hours.