June Flintsbach Climbing

Published on 2014-6-3 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Hannes
Location: Flintsbach
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m


June 3, 2014

  1. Nur Fliegen ist schoener (7-), extended the climb into an anchor above, right at 30 minutes of climbing. It might have been into Normalweg (5+) or McFisto (6+/7-).
  2. Felsrowdy (6+/7-) - first pitch fairly easy (5).
  3. Felsrowdy P2 (6+/7-) - Hannes led this fine slabby pitch. Then we dropped down the other side to climb in the rain.
  4. Steinlaus (6-)
  5. Fliegenschiss (6-) - with correct exit, right and up, rather than left.
  6. Miles Davis (6-) - I had failed to understand the step between clips 2 and 3 before.
  7. Knabenkraut (6+) - quite wet. Several times, downclimb and rest at the crux move. Finally I found a sequence that worked for me:
  1. 99 Karat (7+) - led with one fall, several rests
  2. 99 Karat (7+) - again, on top rope, no falls or rests