May Flintsbach Climbing with Hannes

Published on 2014-5-20 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Hannes
Location: Flintsbach
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m


May 20, 2014

Great evening climbing session with Hannes. We quickly dispatched Fliegenschiss (6-) and Steinlaus (6-), then an easier route to the right, I think grade 5. Then we got on the 8- "sehr stickiges stehproblem," which Hannes did an amazing job on. We climbed the easy pitch above with the 5+ chimney/crack. Then we climbed the route on the right side of the crag, P1 only, grade 7-. Wonderful. We repeated it on TR.

Finally, as it got dark we climbed a 5+ route back right of Fruchte der Saison.