Wallberg Ski with Friends

Published on 2017-2-14 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Camillo, Hannes
Location: Wallberg
Elevation gain: 900m = 900m


February 14, 2017

Hannes, Camillo and I skied up Wallberg tonight. Well, they managed to keep skis on. Hannes used ski-crampons to deal with the really icy slope and I don't know how Camillo managed! For me it was at least 700 meters of hiking up with skis on my back, and very uncomfortable side-hilling on the ice in ski boots. Ugh! But I kept up with those guys on skis and heck, it was good exercise.

This time we went to the true summit for a great starry view down to Tegernsee. It was strangely warm. We skied down in surprisingly good conditions. Only the steep/icy bit near the bottom gave me trouble. I essentially skidded down most of it. Beer and schnitzel at the Bräuhaus after -- very nice!