Kramerspitz on Snowshoes

Published on 2017-3-4 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Kramerspitz
Elevation gain: 1200m = 1200m

I didn't want to fight traffic, so I took the train to Garmisch. I went up the usual way, and again had to break the trail around the north side. Snowshoes were great here. For some reason, nobody uses snowshoes in Germany (I'm being hyperbolic, but you know...). I pointed the correct way to three people wading around up there. On top I ran into a guy who slept in the forest the night before, it sounded great.

On the way down I took a different way that was pretty fantastic. I'm learning that this mountain is absolutely covered in trails. Like in other areas of my life, I seem to like revisiting the small, the under-appreciated, the tame...and then finding a whole world in these "undramatic" places.


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