Hoher Fricken Alone

Published on 2018-3-30 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Hoher Fricken
Elevation gain: 1300m = 1300m

I was back about a month after hiking up with Peter, enjoying the steep trail up beside the great waterfalls. Amazingly, the snow depth was about the same. I could go a bit further without snowshoes, owing to some deep tracks that were easier to rebuild and punch through than to make new ones. It had been at least a week since anyone went up, and higher, I was tempted to think that the remnant tracks were only those left by Peter and I...they were mere dimples in the snow which had a solid base under several layers of fresher snow. Rebuilding those was plenty of work, especially near the summit.

I went down towards the Esterbergalm, coming pretty close to it as I descended near ski tracks, before cutting westward to the tight pass at 1279 m that would lead me back to Farchant.