Frauenwasserlwand Klettergarten with Timo

Published on 2018-5-19 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Timo
Location: Frauenwasser Klettergarten
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m

Frauenwasserlwand Klettern

May 19, 2018

Timo and I had the morning to climb, and it was nice to revisit this crag which I used to know pretty well. We did a line of 6, 6+ at the roof, and 6- on an edge to the top of the crag. Then we top-roped the 7- and 7 lines (for me, the former twice, the latter once, and that was only partially successful!). We went down and both led a strange line of maybe 5+ or 6- that we couldn't identify on any topo. I tried a variation start but I couldn't even get off the ground with it. Then we climbed a 5(+?) line that definitely felt harder. On my lead I had to stop a couple times at a crux, and there was a dagger-shaped loose rock in the route pointing directly down to the belayer. This really unnerved me, so I spent some time removing it from the route, tossing the pieces into the bushes safely to the side. I top-roped a 6+ version on the right, which I want to go back and lead. Timo and I then led a route of maybe 6- or 5+ on the far left.

In general, when the climbing here gets hard, it's intimidating the way hand holds disappear. Good day...the rain came 30 minutes ahead of schedule at 13:30, but that was fine.