Stoanarne Mandl Hike

Published on 2019-4-20 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Stoanarne Mandl
Elevation gain: 1170m = 1170m

Stoanarne Mandl

April 20, 2019

From the Burgerhof, I jogged up the road on the east side of the Afinger-bach. Eventually it reached a steep v-cut in the valley and turned back on the west side of the river to continue up to Kampidell in additional switchbacks, but I followed instead a logging spur into the notch. Naturally enough, it ended, leaving me stranded at about 1340 meters. I decided to risk climbing straight up-slope to about 1600 meters where a road could get me to a little restaurant. Despite some steep hand-over-hand work, this worked, and I soon stood at the still-closed little restaurant, my dreams of a cappucino dashed. Here, for the first time I saw the sun, which was welcome on my frozen arms. I had neither jacket nor backpack. Now I followed a snowy forest trail to the Möltner Kaser, and sat down in the sun, warming my arms and hoping that the restuarant would open soon. Sure enough, a man came bouncing up in a truck over humps of snow. Clutching sausages in his hand, he bore the unwelcome news that the Kaser wouldn't be open until Monday. Alas!

So I headed due north on snow for the summit of the Stoanerne Mandl (2003 m). I was lucky that the snow was still frozen hard. The view of the Texel Range was beautiful and brought back beautiful memories. What a fantastic summit!

Descending, I stayed on the gorgeous ridge, making my way through krokus flowers pushing up through the snow to the Möltner Joch (1733 m). From this gorgeous overlook I descended in welcome sun to Flaas. A short detour for a Radler at a restaurant on the road down to Afing, then back to the Burgerhof. 1170 meters up and down - a fine morning!