Voldöpper Spitze and Vorderkaiserfeldenhütte Hike

Published on 2019-5-1 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Voldöpper Spitze, Vorderkaiserfeldenhütte
Elevation gain: 2000m = 1000m + 1000m

I decided to do a double hike day. First the Voeldopperspitz near Kramsach. Lots of trail-runners, it seems to be getting very popular. After this I ate a sandwich and drove to the trailhead for the Kaiserlift in Kufstein. However I couldn't find a parking place, so I settled for using the Oberndorfer Weg again to get to the hut, even though I'd been there just a few days before! Somehow, the last 300 meters from the sattle to the hut were so tiring! Had a piece of cake and a Radler, then wandered down, first getting a nap in the sun in the fields.

Approx. 2000 meters up and down for the day.