Kranzhorn and Sulzberg

Published on 2020-2-1 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Kranzhorn, Sulzberg
Elevation gain: 1500m = 1500m

Kranzhorn and Sulzberg

February 1, 2020

Great hike, no need for snowshoes. I took my "direct route" up at the level-off point, this time climbing to the summit above the chapel. The inside of the chapel was beautiful. I really liked the image of Jesus as a child, with the cross behind him and a shining light. The image reminded me of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, with Joseph and Mary serving as the pillars of Severity and Mercy, with the Christ child in approximately the right position for the sphere Tiphareth, where, in fact, he "belongs" as intermediary between humanity and the Godhead. Anyhows, go up and see 'ems for yourself. :)

I had this thought:

Note the childs joy. And it is the Cross behind which will break him. And yet, remains the Source of his Light. May we all find our Cross, and meet it with Joy.

Okay! Next hike! I wanted about another 600 meters or so, and found it in a charming mountain called Sulzberg. Really neat steep trail up the east side of the peak. Up and down before the evening began.

~1500 meters up and down with the two peaks.