Großer Rauher Kopf Snowshoe

Published on 2021-4-10 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Großer Rauher Kopf
Elevation gain: 850m = 850m

Tired from the day before, I climbed an incredibly steep road near a place called the Kastensteinerwand Alm. Then it became a steep trail, made more interesting by wet, heavy snow and water just like the day before. Wearing these big mountain boots and lugging snowshoes in my pack is a kind of hard life, especially so today because everyone on the trail was wearing trail running shoes. I hate the way the soles of my boots will slip so easily on wet roots -- trail runners are just way better about that somehow. But anyway, I was the big slowpoke, and got used to finding a good place off to the side of the trail to let the people pass going up and going down.