August Kellerjoch Hike

Published on 2021-8-27 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Kellerjoch
Elevation gain: 1700m = 1700m

To the Kellerjochütte

August 27, 2021

Two weeks post surgery, why not try a bigger hike? I decided to more or less repeat my hike to the Kellerjoch from July, and see if I'd still suffer the next day lying in bed because I couldn't walk! Also, I might be able to use less lift support for the way down.

Today the weather was poor, but at least it wasn't raining. I hiked up under the lift, then took the side trail to the Geolsalm, passing a crowd of folks who thought they were the only ones crazy enough to be out in bad weather. They admired the umbrella on my pack.

Here I'm walking up and making a little video. The camera kindly records a screen shot along the way.

First view of the Gartalm, and you can barely see the house of the Kellerjochhütte on the skyline.

Looking towards Innsbruck from the Kellerjochhütte.

At the hut, I ate a delicious vegan soup, the Kellerjoch-Dal (Dahl), with lentils, corn, tomatoes, all kinds of stuff. Extremely good! I skipped the summit, instead taking the steep little side trail that connects to the way to the Spieljoch on the north side of the Kellerjoch. From this point, it rained on and off, and I alternately used my umbrella and stored it between my back and the pack. My foot felt good enough to walk down to the middle-station. About 1700 meters up and 1000 meters down.