Zillertal Biking Weekend

Published on 2021-8-20 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Lackenhütte, Wedelhütte
Elevation gain: 3400m = 1500m + 1900m

I know this is coded as "hiking" but so far it's the only bike trip I ever took, therefore I'll wait before creating a new category...

Zillertal biking weekend

August 20, 2021

I took Violetta the bike in Mantra the van out to the Zillertal for a couple of bike trips. First I did a tour on the Zillertaler Höhenstrasse, which was a real pleasure because of the well-maintained asphalt road. I had to push the bike for much of the upper part of the tour as it became extra steep. The weather was excellent. I ate a fantastic lunch at the Wedelhütte at the end of the tour. This was about 1900 meters up and down.

I had a great evening and chatted with a man there with his grandkids about life a little bit. In the early evening, I visited a wonderful new or restored rustic church in Hochfügen.

The next day I did a tour to the Lackenhütte from Fügen, then down to Buch, and back along the flats around the mountain. This tour was a more moderate 1500 meters up and down. I really enjoyed the descent, especially from Kuglmoos on down -- 600 meters of asphalt road, not too steep, just coasting and enjoying the scenery.