The Naunspitze with Jakob

Published on 2021-9-24 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Jakob
Location: Naunspitze
Elevation gain: 1200m = 1200m

Jakob and I hiked up the Naunspitze. He brought a vintage Nikon camera with filters and fixed focal length lenses. What a pleasure to look through the viewfinder! It conjured up prior worlds, that I only know through television from the 1970s. A curious washed-out look that made me think of the problems and pleasures of life in West Berlin in the 1970s for some reason. Jakob was a quick hiker and had to be patient with my slow, plodding pace. We talked about politics and the environment, about living in the right places in the right way. Thanks Jakob!

Wonderful picture Jakob got of me on the summit. I like my portrait a lot!