Pletzachkogel and Roßkogel

Published on 2022-1-4 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Roßkogel (Rofangebirge), Pletzachkogel
Elevation gain: 1600m = 1600m

Very interesting hike. Steeply up to a small (inhabited!) cabin in a meadow with a Charlie-Brown-esque Christmas bush, then on a steep road and trail to the Pletzachkogel summit. From there over to a kind of abandoned ski area compound, and with snowshoes steeply up to the high abandoned lift station. I peered inside the windows of the adjoining hut to see a rack of kettleballs and "WOD" (workout of the day) notations on a chalkboard. It's some kind of revanchist "body kultur" hideout!

I'm only kidding -- seems really cool. Anyway, the final climb to the summit of the Roßkogel was interesting. I scrambled up a rocky ridgecrest with a rather difficult step. Meanwhile an extremely agile man came bounding down the ridge and batmanned through the latschen trees in an area of similar difficulty 20 meters to my left. In fact, I saw many people this day (8 or 10?).

Aside from the radio tower on the summit, it's a neat place. There are likely no better viewpoints of Guffert.

1600 meters up and down.

Me feeling clever.

From the summit of the Pletzachkogel, looking east.

From the summit of the Pletzachkogel.

Just above the steep road in the forest, we come out on the slopes of Pletzachkogel.

A cute little "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree above the steep forest.