Texel Peaks Weekend

Published on 2022-10-21 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Hohe Kreuzspitze, Hochwart, Mutkopf, Hochgangscharte
Elevation gain: 3300m = 1500m + 1800m

Short visit to Südtirol. I love that place. First 1500 meters, then, according to Google, a massive 2200 meter day. There were a lot of ups and downs, but still, I'm going to discount that to 1800!

First day, a climb of the Hohe Kreuzspitze (2743 m) from the Schutzhütte Hochalm, with a very friendly owner who told me stories of the region and his family. I also climbed up the Hochwart (2608 m) on the way down, making for a big day. It started raining on the descent, and I skipped out on a free yoga class at the hut in order to get down and find a hotel in Meran.

After a rainy Saturday (very enjoyable, I got some work done), I headed up early Sunday morening from Velloi to the Gasthaus Steinegg along the Hans Frieden Felsenweg, then up and over to the Mutkopf (1664 m), and into the Spronsertal. Some cake at the Oberkaseralm, then to the beautiful Mückenlack, the Grünsee and the Langsee. From here over to the Hochgangscharte (2444 m), then very steeply down that to the Schutzhaus Hochgang then for a beer at the very pleasant Leiteralm above Velloi.

A bit above Velloi, probably around the Gasthaus Steinegg.

Some ladies hiking at the Pfitschlacke, just after the Pfitscher Jöch (2150 m).

Looking down on the Pfitschlacke.

A hiker and the Tschigat (2999 m) behind.

Looking far down on the Meranertal.

A beautiful little trail near the Leiteralm above Velloi.

A salamander out for a stroll.