Glaitner Joch Hike (attempt)

Published on 2023-5-5 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Glaitner Joch
Elevation gain: 1534m = 1534m

I hiked from a little museum building a bit above the town of Sankt Leonhard towards the pass. A nice man let me park, essentially, in his yard where he was doing carpentry. He was there when I got back too, and also let me have water from his spring. Really nice, because I was dying of thirst.

Snow stopped me about 150 meters below the pass. It was knee deep soft stuff. Reminded me of the San Juans last year. Quite interesting, the near-vertical town of Glaiten, whose yards I huffed and puffed through between clearings in the forest. The high meadows were gorgeous. I love the brown grass of this Texel-adjacent region. 1534 meters up/down.

Looking to the pass

On the steep way back down...