Hike above the Fleckner Hütte

Published on 2023-5-7 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Point2265
Elevation gain: 1120m = 1120m

I hiked from the town of Walten to the summit of Point 2265 (my name for it, though there is a summit cross). I followed roads up to the west, then trail from the Fleckner Hütte. A bit of scrambling at the end to reach the top. The peak Fleckner looked difficult without boots and maybe an ice ax.

Views to mountains in the northwest were spectacular. I'd like to explore that area more...1120 meters up/down.

The summit of "Point 2265"

Looking eastward

Sitting lazily...

Interesting mountains to the north

A higher peak nearby

Heading back down