Rope-Solo Flintsbach Climbing

Published on 2024-4-17 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Flintsbach
Elevation gain: 0m = 0m

Time to try out some rope soloing! I led "Frauenschuhe" (5+) with my solo setup, then top-roped it 2 more times. Then I led "Kinderleicht" (6-) and top-roped that twice. Then I went around to the Steinbruch sector and admired the fresh rockfall, apparently from earlier in the month. But I could still climb the first pitch of "Normalweg" (probably rated 4), then did a top rope of the first pitch of "Kombination" (6-) and traversed left to the anchor. 8 nice pitches on a fine, windy evening.