April Pendling Hike

Published on 2024-7-19 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Barbara, Sammy
Location: Pendling
Elevation gain: 900m = 900m

We left home at 9, and I hoped this trail was tree-covered for much of the way. It was! We enjoyed the top and I got some cake which Barbara pretended to eat but she is very disciplined and didn't take a single bite.

She amazes me and her value is beyond price.

Barbara cools off in the forest. This was extremely helpful!

Time to take partner pictures

As we like to say...m-w-a-h

Here my struedl is almost gestolen!

Sammy looks to his mistress, dancing on ahead

On the way down we missed a turn, but that was okay because we explored a little-visited area of the forest that reminded me of the CDT in Montana.