Breitenstein a New Way

Published on 2024-6-14 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Barbara
Location: Breitenstein
Elevation gain: 750m = 750m

Our little trio parked at the Oberes Jenbachtal. Barbara was really fast today and by the time we reached the Aiblinger Hütte, I had to admit I was tired! She was leading Sammy, too. She admitted as we made the final climb to the Breitenstein that it was easier with him because he pulls you up. That's right! Ha!

Barbara on the summit with Sammy

At the hut with coffee

We stopped at the Hubertushütte on the way down and had a nice chat with a couple that had a very peaceful older dog that Sammy investigated on the summit by suddenly pulling Barbara towards them.

And Barbara led Sammy all the way down, too. Or wait, I think she went without poles and I led Sammy. Was very interesting, a new experience for her.

Good times, only 750 meters up/down.

We had something to laugh about

Portrait of Sammy and I

Barbara and a wistful Sammy

My finger right on the Breitenstein summit!