June on the Vorderes Sonnwendjoch

Published on 2024-6-16 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Only God!
Location: Vorderes Sonnwendjoch, Bayreuther-Hütte
Elevation gain: 1700m = 1700m

I hiked up the Vorderes Sonnwendjoch, starting from the Grünsbach parking lot, following a mix of road and trail. It had been raining on the highway and the sky was cloudy, so my mood was a bit down. However, it turned out better than I expected.

Nice sheep near the summit.

I stopped for a coffee at the Bayreuther-Hütte, and promised to return for a beer, which I did later. Near the summit there were sheep, and decent views, even if beclouded in a couple directions.

On the way down I stopped to sit in the Kniepass church. I also found that you can go from a high road straight down along the ridge directly to the Kniepass, on a mix of faint trail and cross-country travel. Awesome!

More sheep.