May Heuberg Hike

Published on 2024-5-1 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Barbara, Sammy
Location: Heuberg
Elevation gain: 800m = 800m

A wonderful day with Barbara and Sammy. On the way down I discovered how to get Sammy to walk behind me, somewhat unwillingly. I keep at least one hand or both behind my back, with the leash, and keep it just on the edge of feeling where he is. He gets more slack if he stays back there. This is really helpful on steep trails where he can easily pull me down the hill if I'm not careful. We also tried letting him off the leash a couple times. The second time was a disaster. We spent 10+ minutes criss-crossing steep slopes trying to get him back. Uff!

Barbara and Sammy on the ridge

Michael and Sammy

Barbara made this portrait of me and Sammy

Our little family within two other families

Sammy on the Heuberg summit