January Hiking Weekend
Friends: Only God!Location: Oberbozen, St. Ulrich Restaurant
Elevation gain: 2100m = 1000m + 1100m
First a hike up to Oberbozen and the nearby summit. Lots of strong hikers out this morning blowing past me. 1000 meters up and down.
Next day, a hike up from Vilpian on a steep way to reach the top-station of the Seilbahn Mölten. Nice chat with an older man here about the lack of snow. I walked up through Schlaneid to the St. Ulrich restaurant by a lake above the town. 1100 meters up and down.
Vines growing the grapes for their master, us. It seems to be the price
of existence to be born into bondage. But is this really so bad? It is
simply a fact. The joy of living comes from elsewhere.