Alta Via With Family

Published on 2011-7-18 by Michael Stanton

Friends: Kris, Elijah, Rowan
Location: Bozen, Grasleitenhütte, Tierser-Alpl-Hütte, Plattkofelhütte, Plattkofel, Sella Pass
Elevation gain: 2850m = 0m + 1100m + 450m + 1000m + 300m

Day One

From Munich to Bozen by train.

Visiting Daniel and his family in Bolzano

Boys have their Legos for the trip!

Day Two

From Bozen to St. Zyprian by bus, then hiking to the Grasleitenhütte.

Starting the walk

The Dolomites look forbidding...

Michael, Kris and Rowan

Mom studies the map, and Elijah dreams of Legos

Rowan marches ahead...

Now the Grasleitenhütte is visible

Kris and a goat

Elijah and a cat

With Anna, who later came to Munich and sang a song.

Day Three

From the Grasleitenhütte to the Tierser-Alpl-Hütte over the Molignonpass.

Continuing the climb...

A Hawaiian comes a long way...

We couldn't believe there was so much snow!

Day Four

From the Tierser-Alpl-Hütte to the Plattkofelhütte via the Malknechtjoch. Plus I hike up the Plattkofel before dinner.

All of us

Walking towards the Plattkofel...

Michael with umbrella

Playing around in the meadows...

Rowan is pleased in the Plattkofelhütte

From the Plattkofel summit...

A detail on the Zahnkofel, finally climbed in 2024...

The Marmolada...

Day Five

Off to the Sellajoch, then bus down to the valley, then another bus to the Brennerjoch because of a train strike, then train home!

Breakfast hijinks

I was taken by this picture of people long gone...

Elijah and Kris, standing behind them the Zahnkofel, Innerkofler and Grohmannspitze

I like the way the ox is not really impressed with what he sees

Back to the world of cars!

One last adventure before getting home...